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Vince Gironda Calves Workout

Vince Gironda Calves

Calves must be worked in a different way, as Vince Gironda quickly found this out since the calves are the only muscle that is directly worked every time you take a step and walk. Initially, his 3 sets of six, 6 sets of six, 8 sets of eight wasn’t quite working and he didn’t know why and after awhile he realized that the calves should be really overworked or worked more than the biceps, triceps, delts, chest or back and low and behold, it worked. So Vince Gironda always called calves a high rep muscle and you use as weight as you possibly can to stimulate growth. Vince Gironda found out that anything less than 15 – 20 reps per set are not going to stimulate the calves. And Vince Gironda also found out in order to stimulate the calves even further, to induce growth, what you would have to do on your off-days is to perform 100 to 150 reps with no weight just to induce circulation. He then discovered that the calves would respond and this of course was through trial and error.

Vince GirondaVince Gironda was big on trial and error. He used to spend a tremendous amount of time testing his theories, whether they were right or wrong, and after awhile he found his theory about calves was true. Now some people, like me, never had to work the calves in this method. And Vince GirondaVince Gironda would always tell you, do what works for you. Know the “Golden Rule”… know your body. My calves would become stimulated with 8 sets of eight reps or 4 sets of twelve reps and sometimes a little extra work. But for a lot of people, this doesn’t seem to work. You have to know your body. My calves are easy but I wish other parts of my body would grow just as fast as my calves and I had decent calves to begin with so that helped me. But with calves, do what Vince GirondaVince Gironda tells you to do, high rep, as much weight as you can handle, and on your off days, do 100-150 reps with no weight just to induce circulation and you will find out this will really help your calves as well as give you a tremendous pump.

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