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Vince Gironda Ab Training

Vince Gironda Abs

Vince Gironda's Abdominal Myth Busting

Vince Gironda wrote this list many decades ago and they’re as true about abdominal training today as they were many moons ago.

Read and heed Vince Gironda’s advice on abdominals

Myths & Facts about abdominals by Vince Gironda:

It is a FACT that the only function of the Rectus Abdominus (abdominals) is to shorten the distance between the pelvic basin (Insertion) and the Sternum (origin).
It is a MYTH that the full sit up or the leg raise is abdominal exercise.
It is a FACT that leg raises are leg exercises.
It is a MYTH that abdominal exercises of any kind are fat emulsifiers (Reducers).
It is a FACT that full sit ups are a Psaos Major exercise.
It is a MYTH that an arch in the back engages the rectus abdominus muscles. It only stretches them.
It is a FACT that the Psaos Major muscle arches the back both in a supine position and in the standing position.
It is a MYTH that the abdominals or the Spinae Erector muscles arch the back.
It is a FACT that high reps, or daily abdominal workouts, result in loss of muscle tissue and tone.
It is a MYTH that abdominal exercises produce a small waist
It is a FACT that supplements speed up the metabolic rate and emulsify subcutaneous fat.
It is a MYTH that the abdominals need to be worked any differently than any other muscle as far as sets and reps are concerned.
It is a FACT that you can lose one inch off your arm if you add abdominal exercises to your routine if you have trained less than two years.
It is a MYTH that side bends reduce the waistline.
It is a FACT that physique champions do not work abdominals before a contest.
It is a MYTH that eating fat causes you to get fat - quite the contrary; fat burns fat.
It is a FACT that abdominal work causes a nerve shock to the nerve cluster in the second brain, or Solar Plexus.
It is a MYTH that hanging from the chinning bar and bringing the knees up is an abdominal movement it is a leg exercise used by sprinters.
It is a FACT that side bends build muscle and thicken the waist.
It is a MYTH that any kind of workout speeds up the metabolic rate.
It is a FACT that workouts with a minimum of rest between sets speed up the metabolic rate.
It is a MYTH that, while on a weight gaining diet, the abdominals should be worked.
It is a FACT that you should get rid of fatty tissue on the abdominals before you start on an abdominal specialization program.

Some of these myths are still lingering around today. Hopefully this list will put them to rest.

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